- Beamer, Helen Kapuailohia Desha - outstanding composer, singer and
dancer, traces her roots to the 15th century. Ancestors
include Ahiakumai Ki'eki'e, queen of the island of Hawaii
and one of the kapu twins of Kameiamoku, the favored wife
of Kamehameha I (1820). Her grandmother,
Kapuailohiawahine and mother, were forced to teach hula
secretly because of the puritanical religious environment
at that time. In 1902, when Helen composed Hawaiian music
and taught hula openly, it was in defiance of her father
and condemned by her uncle Stephen, the pastor of a Hilo
- BORN: Honolulu, Oahu - Sept. 8, 1882
- DIED: San Mateo, CA. - Sept. 25, 1952
- PARENTS: Isabella Hale`ala Ka`ili Miller & George
Langhern Desha
- EDUCATION: Kamehameha Schools - 1941
- MARRIED: Peter Carl Beamer
- CHILDREN: Harriet, Milton Ho'olulu, Francis
Keali'inohopono, Harriet Kekahiliokalani, Peter Carl
Kaleika`apunihonua, Helen Elizabeth Kawohikukapulani