Ho`opuka I Kai Ka La - Hula kai

Ho`opuka i kai ka la i Unulau
E lulumi ana na `ale o Kauna
Haki kakala mai `ana ho`i ka makani
Puka ka hala ka lehua o Pana`ewa

Puka hele i kai o Kulilikaua
I ka papa lohi a`o `Apua
Lohi mai ana a`o Maukele
I ka papa o Kanene
`O puka mai aua ne`i ka makani
I ka `e`eleko`a a ka mahu
A i luna o Wahinekapu
Ua kapu kai aku la`o Pele ke akua wahine

`Ae `oia `e; `ae `oia `e; `ae `oia e;


The sun rises over the sea at Unulau
The billows of Kauna roll angrily in
The wind blows in a gale
Through the hala and `ohi`a groves of Pana`ewa

The rain moves down to Kulili
To the lava-covered plain of `Apua
Maukele turns to silence
The noise issuing from the plain of Kanene
Let the winds blow hither
Black and cinder-laden is the smoke
That rises above Wahinekapu
Pele, the goddess, has had her ceremonial bath

Aye, it is so; aye, it is so; aye, it is so;


Translated by Mary Pukui