Iholena (Yellow Core) - Mary Pûku`i & Kaupena Wong

Aia i hea, kahi Iholena
Eia no, i ke alo nei

Mai no `oe a ho`olale
`O pi`ipi`i kai auane`i

Ma`ane`i, mai no `oe
A `ike, i ke kaunu

`Unu `ia a pa`a pono
Hemo`ole i ka `ûmi`i

Ha`ina ka inoa o ko ma`i
`O Iholena mai kêia

Where is Iholena?
Right here in front

Now don`t disturb it
Lest it rise like the waves

Come right over here
And discover the thrill of love

Take a grip and hold fast
Let nothing be released

This is the name of your ma`i
This one, Iholena

Source: Trade Winds CD "Eia Au `O Noelani"- Iholena was a native banana, one the few varieties eaten by women in ancient times. This mele ma`i was composed in the old tradition when significant events in life were honored with gifts of song. Composed in 1973 to mark the birth of a baby, this was first performed at the child's first birthday. Mele ma`i were written in honor of genital's, given a name, and a hope for prolificness.