- Ka lae `o Ka`ena
- E hui ai käua
- Kô aloha welawela
- Kô aloha ia`u nei
- Me `oe ho`i au e ho`oipo ai
- Hoa pili o ka `äina malihini
- Hui:
- Eyes so blue, love so true
- Pretty feet across the street
- Her name is Nova
- And I adore her
- Her mother keeps a little candy store
- `Auhea `oe ka`u e li`a nei
- Nä hola pau i pili mau `ia
- E ho`omana`o ana i kou leo nani
- A pa`a mau nei i ku`u pu`uwai
- At the point of Ka`ena
- Let`s get together
- Your warm love
- Your love that I have
- With you I will make
- My companion of a foreign
- *Eddie
- Where are you?
- With whom I've been with all
these past hours
- I'm reminded of your beautiful
- That found a place in my