- The blalahs were standing on the corner
- Of King and Bethel Street
- When up drove a big brown
- Cha-ka-la-ka-lak
- And out stepped Kanaka Pete
- He had an old alualu shirt on
- And great big luau feet
- With a gallon oke and a bottle of beer
- And twenty kids in the rumble seat
- (He was a hard working man)
- On the corner stood Bad John Baboza
- The Bull of Bethel street
- With a sneer he said
- ('E bull you like beef or what?")
- And he challenged Kanaka Pete
- Well, they both walked into Two Jacks
- While the crowd there cleared the floor
- And the rumble could be heard for miles around
- From behind the Hale Inu door
- (That's a drinking establishment in downtown
- Down the street came Auntie Clara
- She's Kanaka Pete's dear loving wife
- She wore a flower lei and a big muumuu
- And a smile just as big as life
- (She was a happy soul, she was)
- She heard them fighting in Two Jacks
- While the crowd there yelled for more
- She hit the entrance with her big opu
- And down came the tavern door
- (She put up a big front)
- She hit Bad John with a left hook
- With a thud he hit the floor
- With her poi mixing arm
- She caught Kanaka Pete
- As he was running out the kitchen door
- Now if you're ever in Hawaii
- Ask anyone you meet
- Auntie Clara is the brand new champ
- And she's the Bull of Bethel Street
- Kuiokalani