- Kauhale o Kamapua`a
- Wehiwehi i ka nahele
- Ka uhi pa`a ka noe
- Me anuenue i ke awawa
- Hui
:Maika`i wale no keia `âina
- A`e no wau
- U`i maoli keia `âina
- A`e ho`i wau
- Ka ua o Nu`uanu
- Na pua ho`oipo ia
- I luna i na pali
- Ka makani hele uluulu
- Ha`ina ka puana
- He i`u me na wailele
- Mahalo a`e au i ka nani
- Kauhale o Kamapua`a

- Home of Kamapua`a
- Adorned with growth
- Covered with mist
- With rainbows in the
- Chorus:
- This land is so
- I surely agree
- This land is indeed
- I certainly agree
- The rain of Nu`uanu
- Makes love to the
- High on the cliffs
- The wind blows to gale
- Tell the story (refrain)
- With lofty waterfalls
- I admire the beauty (forever)
- The home of Kamapua`a
Source: Translated
by David Inciong, Copyright Miller Music Corp, David Inciong, Recorded by Peter Ahia on
"Peter Sings" CD - This mele
was written and lovingly dedicated to David's maternal
grandfather, Luther Puulei for his influence and to honor
him. The melody was given to Val Kepelino to chart it
musically and refine it since David didn't know how to write
out the music. Myra English, Pua Rodgers and Lena Mota were
the first to record this song and the by-line was never
corrected. Kamapua'a, the demi or pig god was born at Sacred
Falls, but spent a lot of time in Nu`uanu, a place he loved