Ke Ala O Ka Rose - (Fragrance of the Rose) - by Danny Ka`opio


Ke ala o ka rose
Ua hapa mai
Ka maile lau li'i
O ke kuahiwi
Ka hala o kai
Maile a'o uka
Kui a`e kaua
A lawa ku'u lei
Ia oe e ke kula
Me ke kaimana
Kumu manako
Hawela pono iho
Ke kaula ili
Ma ku'u o ka noho
Ili salia
Kani e ka pio
Hone i ke kula
Mana`o iho `oe
O wau ia
Ha'ina ia mai
Ana kapuana
Ke ala o ka rose
Ua hapa mai


The scent of the rose
Blossoming forth
The small leaf maile
Of the mountains
The pandanus from the sea
The maile of the uplands
Let us string them into
A lei for me to treasure
You mean more to me than gold
And diamonds
The mango tree
Is swaying
The lasso draws tight
Upon the saddle horn
We'll have to sit and wait
After the long ride
When you hear a sweet -sounding whistle
On the plains
You will know that
It is me
Let the story
Be told
Of the fragrance of the rose
Blossoming forth


Source: Ronald K. Lee, Recorded by Peter Ahia Talena Album - Danny Ka`opio, from the island of Niihau, composed this in 1932, at age 17, when he was courting a beauty named Loke.