Kololio Waikapû - Traditional

Kololio ka makani o Waikapû ia
Malu ana i ke `ao`ao Wailuku la
Na pili o kakae nâ pua i mohala i ka pêlâ
Kepaniwai a`o `Iao

Komo ana i ka `olu, Waiehu ia
Ka makani ka ahaaha lai ia o niua
Mâ`e`ele `ike anu, ahe kiu ka makani
Ho`ohaehae ana i ka Nâulu

Komo ana ika olu, o ke Kili`o`opu
Ka makani kaulana ia o ka `âina
Me ka wai hu`ihu`i, wai a`o Eleile
Ho`oipoipo ia e na manu

Ho`oipoipo ia e na manu

The wind of Waikapû gusts
Wailuku is protected
Swiftly blowing gusts make the blooms cuddle
Kepaniwai of `Iao

The strong, cold wind penetrates Waiehu
The whirling wind pierces the stillness
The numbing cold of the strong, northwesterly wind
The fury of the Nâulu wind with sudden showers

The strong wind Kili`o`opu is penetrating
The famous wind of the land
Co-mingled with cold water, the water of Eleile
This makes the birds woo

The birds are making love

Source: G. Cooke collection - Verse 1: Waikapû is the water of the conch. Verse 2: Nâulu is the wind with sudden showers. Verse 3: Kili`o`opu is the wind of Waihe`e Maui, Eleile is a dark swirling pool on Maui also known as " the water that returns the ti". Translated by Kanani Kamai