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I Waikapû ke aloha
Ka makani Kokololio
Pili i ka poli nahenahe
He `înikiniki mâlie
I Wailuku iho `oe
I ka piko a`o `Îao
Lihilihi o ka pua rose
He `înikiniki mâlie
I Waiehu iho `oe
Ka makani Hô`ehaili
Me ka uhi wai a`o uka
He `înikiniki mâlie
I Waihe`e kâua
Ka makani Kili`o`opu
Me ka wai a`o Eleile
He `înikiniki mâlie
I Lahaina iho `oe
Ka makani Kaua`ula
Me ka malu ulu a`o Lele
He `înikiniki mâlie
Ha`ina mai ka puana
No na wai `ehâ
E ho`i no e pili
He `înikiniki mâlie
My love is at Waikapû
The gusty wind named Kokololio
Held close to the soft bosom
Gently pinching
You went down to Wailuku
To the summit of `Îao
Petals of the roses
Gently pinching
You went down to Waiehu
Hô`ehaili, the wind that pierces the skin
With the thick fog of the upland
Gently pinching
We were at Waihe`e
The wind named Kili`o`opu
And the water of Eleile
Gently pinching
You went down to Lahaina
Kaua`ula, the strong mountain wind
Amid the shade of the breadfruit trees of Lele
Gently pinching
Tell the refrain
Of the four water
Return and let us be together
Gently pinching