
NYSCAA Hawaii Mini Reunion
December 17-20, 1998
[ Tentative Schedule ]
[ Attendees ]
[ Contact Information ]
Woody McCallum (VA69), Dave Masunaga (HI75) and I (Karen Sabog, HI82)
are inviting all of you campers who currently live in the islands or
will be vacationing here during the December 17-20 (Thursday evening to
Sunday) time frame to a Hawaii Mini Reunion on the island of Oahu.
How did Woody get all the way over here from Richmond, Virginia?
Well, thanks to fellow camper Dave Masunaga and the chorus teacher who
created the opening by going on sabbatical this semester, Woody found
out about this wonderful opportunity and landed himself a dream job as
Choral Director in Residence at Iolani School in
Hope to see you for all or even part of the weekend!

Sun, Dec 13 to Fri, Dec 18 |
Campers arrive from the mainland and neighbor islands |
Sun, Dec 13 to Thu, Dec 17 |
Scheduled concert rehearsals for Woody and campers in the orchestra |
Thu, Dec 17 |
7:30 p.m. |
Dinner at Gordon Biersch in
the Aloha Tower Marketplace on
the pier |
Fri, Dec 18 |
7:30 p.m. |
Choral Concert at St. Andrew's Cathedral conducted by Woody.
Several campers will be playing in the orchestra. Admission is free but
come early for a good seat. |
Sat, Dec 19 |
8:00 a.m. |
Field trip to the Arizona
Memorial in Pearl Harbor |
12:00 p.m. |
Luncheon get-together at Iolani School ($15 max). Hula
entertainment will be performed by Halau O Na Pua Kukui. This halau
(hula school) is directed by kumu hula (hula teacher) Ed Collier who is
a colleague of Woody's in the Performing Arts department at Iolani
School. |
2:30 p.m. |
Recreation trips to Waikiki, North Shore, Diamond Head, etc. |
8:30 p.m. |
Dinner at Sam Choy's Diamond Head |
Late evening |
Night on the town |
Sun, Dec 20 |
9:15 a.m. |
Chapel service at St. Alban's at Iolani School. We might get a group
to sing or play for the service which is over in an hour. |
All day |
Recreation trips |
Sat, Dec 19 to Sun, Dec 20 |
Our "malihinis" (guests) head back home |
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Joe "Hutch" Hutchison and his wife Ann Hutchison (Camp Director and Camp Mom 1963-1975),
u1c05282@mail.wvnet.edu |
David Hackleman (OR69) & his wife Deb Hackleman,
davidh@cv.hp.com or
nysf@ibm.net |
Haywood "Woody" McCallum (VA69), mccallum@koa.iolani.honolulu.hi.us |
Gregory McCallum, Janice McCallum and Gregory McCallum, Jr. (Woody's
brother, sister-in-law and nephew) |
Ken Chambers
(NM74), chambers@ifa.hawaii.edu |
Lee Altenberg (CA75),
altenber@mhpcc.edu |
David Masunaga (HI75),
masunaga@hawaii.edu |
Iris Terashima (HI81),
ist@aloha.net |
Omar Ahmad (FL82) |
Neal Atebara (HI82),
retina@aloha.net |
Karen Sabog (HI82),
kalena@kalena.com |
Dean Horiuchi (HI84) and Teri Matsushige (HI84) who were recently married |
Erica Umback (SD90),
EUmback@aol.com |
Susanne Kumpf (VA90),
susanne_kumpf@om.cv.hp.com |
Paul Shih (MI91),
paul_shih@om.cv.hp.com |
Greg Pitter (NV92),
pitter@uclink4.berkeley.edu |
Linda Mende (HI93) [Joining us for dinner on Thursday] |
Kirby Lee (IN93),
kirbster@hotmail.com |
Vanessa Howarth (HI96),
vmh5@cornell.edu |
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For more information, please contact Woody McCallum via email at mccallum@koa.iolani.honolulu.hi.us
or call him at the office at (808) 943-2314.
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Updated 17 December 1998 by
Copyright © 1998 by
Karen R Sabog.
All rights reserved.
