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NYSC Alumni Association
July 1997 Newsletter

1997-98 NYSCAA Nominations - Elections

The following positions will be open for the 1997-98 elections:

Note: The President-elect, secretary, and treasurer must be dues-paying, delegate-alumni.

  • President-elect - The President coordinates all NYSCAA activities. President is a 3-year term: the first year as President-elect (liaison to the alumni), the second year as President (liaison to the NYSF), and the third year as Past-president (liaison to the NYSC Director). The President may not serve consecutive terms.

  • Secretary - The secretary serves a 1-year term and is responsible for taking minutes at annual business and BOA meetings, producing the NYSCAA newsletters, and producing and receiving any other official correspondence. The secretary may serve consecutive terms.

  • Treasurer - The treasurer serves a 1-year term and is responsible for the collection and disbursement of all NYSCAA monies, establishing a proposed budget, and providing annual financial reports to the NYSCAA. The treasurer may serve consecutive terms.

  • Board of Advisors (BOA) (2 open positions) - Members of the BOA serve a 3-year term and are responsible for setting NYSCAA policy and advising the EO. BOA shall meet at least once a year prior to the annual Business Meeting. BOA members may not serve consecutive terms. Note: BOA members must be dues-paying NYSCAA delegate or staph alumni.


If you would like to nominate someone for one of the above offices, please send your nomination to the chair of the Elections Committee: Michelle Clauson at 2838 Lesterlee Ct., Falls Church, VA 22042 (mclauson@aol.com). You may also Fax nominations to: 304-779-2373 or E-mail: nyscaabio@aol.com Self nominations are acceptable. If you're nominating someone else, please provide as much information about them as possible (e.g., name, address, telephone, email, etc.), and be sure to include your own name and how we can reach you. Nominations must be submitted by August 12, 1997.


Elections will be held at the '97 Business Meeting in San Antonio. However, all NYSCAA members will have the opportunity to vote via U.S. Mail. Request a ballot via the methods listed in Nominations above, and one will be sent to you. All ballots must be received by September 1, 1997.

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Updated 1 August 1997 by Karen R Sabog at kalena@kalena.com.

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