Adler Endowment Fund Update
The Adler Endowment has had a great beginning for 2000. A short note went out
and several alumni have already contributed this year. Donations from October
1999 to May total $37,735.00 and another $5,000 has been pledged by one alumni
to be given in the next few months. In addition, there is a challenge grant. If
we bring in another $10,000, then two anonymous donors will each give $5,000.
This means your donation is worth twice as much if you help get us the next 10,000.
The fund balance is nearly $165,000.
Only through donations by each of us can we reach our goal of Endowing the
operation of the National Youth Science Camp. Since it takes about $300,000 to
run the camp each year, the fund needs to grow to about $5,000,000 to run the
camp in perpetuity. Give what you can, and help us make this dream a reality.
Remember the enjoyment you had at camp and make it so it can always be present
for future campers! Why not join the others that have decided that in the year
2000, they can donate $2,000 to the fund!