Soon another of Dave's colleageus walks in: Diana Nemirovsky. Also, the one and only Karen Sabog comes over to meet the legendary Dave.

Ben and Jerry sure make a good scoop of ice cream. A bunch of 4D heavyweights go out for a snack. From left to right: Larry Sharpe, Rich Gay, John Macrae, Diana Nemirovsky, John Barrymore, and Lee Hinde.

Back to the hotel lobby for a little schmoozing. As befits such an assemblage of the 4D Community, the surroundings exude luxury and style.

Party time, Excellent! Jack Des Boullions, Brendan Coveney, Simon Wright, and John Macrae hob-knob in the lobby.

Dave is up early the next morning, sampling the delicacies offered by the hotel's gourmet caterers. He needs to be well fortified - he's got a big day ahead of him!

Standing before a packed hall, Dave expounds on the inner workings of one of his well-known software projects.