Phew! After a long day of meeting and greeting, it's time once again to chill out in the lobby with a few friends and some well-deserved libations.

Feeling relaxed and happy, it's time to head out for chow. San Diego offers an amazing diversity of cuisine, and the group decides on Sushi. Seen here from Left to Right: John Macrae, Martha Wilson, Lars Halvorsen, Ron Dell'Aquila, and Lee Hinde.

After Sushi, it's back to the Hotel. Here, Ron Dell'Aquila and Karen Sabog sit down for a little jam session. Yeah baby!

As Karen and Ron jam on, Dave takes a gamble. The stakes are high, but this group of hard-nosed 4D developers knows to let the chips fall where they may.

Paul Carnine (of SanityCheck and DataCheck fame) watches from the sidelines. He's been there, done that.

After such an eventful day, Dave reposes in an armchair. Around him, the party rages on.