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NYSC Alumni Association
July 1997 Newsletter

Summary of NYSCAA Reunion / Business Meeting '96 - August 15-18 1996, Chicago, Illinois

The third annual NYSCAA Reunion/Business Meeting was held in Chicago, Illinois from Thursday August 15 through Sunday August 18 at the Hampton Inn/O'Hare. The weekend's activities were attended by over 40 alumni representing camp sessions from 1964 to 1996. We held meetings on Friday and Saturday mornings, but during our "free time" we traveled downtown where members of our group visited the Museum of Science and Industry, the Field Museum of Natural History, the Adler Planetarium, the Aquarium, and the Art Institute.

Here are some of the things we accomplished during our meetings:


Once again, we held national elections by mail and at the meeting. Our 1996-97 officers are:

  • President: Paul Miller (WY87)
  • President Elect: Catherine Perry (SD87)
  • Past-President: Michelle Clauson (SD85)
  • Secretary: Darcie Boschee (ND87)
  • Treasurer: Richard Wynne (KY82)
  • Board of Advisors: Paul Frye (WV69) and Julie Robinson (ID85).


The following committees were formed. This is a summary of their activities/decisions.

  • Plan for Communicating with Camp Committee
    Members: Michelle Clauson, Rick Bierma, Betsy Hutchison, Anita Kishore

    To increase our ability to provide Camp with alumni resources, the committee proposed adding some questions to the Bio Update form and proposed electronic distribution of the form (which already takes place in one form when the newsletter is e-mailed to the NYSC e-mail list).

  • Finance Committee (this is a standing committee headed by the treasurer)
    Members: Richard Wynne (treasurer), Omar Ahmad, Kirby Lee

    Treasurer Richard Wynne gave a brief report. The current balance in the WV account is about $4800. He and other officers have contacted outgoing treasurer Lisa Crabill for the remaining financial information. The money from the Iowa bank account (balance unknown at present) will be transferred to the WV account. Richard will be able to give a more comprehensive report when he receives the information about the Iowa account.

  • Electronics Committee
    Members: Omar Ahmad, Travis Fisher, David Piell, Ray Rappold

    The electronics committee wants to focus on two areas: using e-resources to aid mentoring programs and to develop a directory resource to allow campers to find one another. The committee plans to develop a proposal and will present it to the officers later in the year.

  • Fund-raising Committee
    Members: Mike Dybel, David Hackleman, Betsy Hutchison, Julie Robinson

    This committee developed a written report with several recommendations of ways to assist the Foundation in improving/increasing funding.

  • Goals Committee
    Members: Michelle Clauson, Semele Halkedis,Kirby Lee, Paul Miller, Julie Robinson

    The following goals for 1996-97 were presented to, and approved by, the committee of members:

    • Produce two newsletters; distribute paper and electronically
    • Maintain financial self-sufficiency
    • Hold 1997 reunion in the South -- A final decision on where will be made this fall. (San Antonio, Texas)
    • Appoint a 1997 committee
    • Start planning for 1998 WV reunion
    • Hold a "Wear your NYSC shirt day"
    • Begin archiving NYSCAA materials

    A Future goal also presented and approved:

    • To consider starting an NYSC scholarship fund.

Resolution 96-1

The committee of members unanimously approved Resolution 96-1:

RESOLUTION 96-1 August 17, 1996

WHEREAS, Haywood D. McCallum, Jr. was a 1969 National Youth Science Camp (NYSC) delegate from the Commonwealth of Virginia and was also elected 1969 NYSC president, and;

WHEREAS, he founded the Alumni Association of the NYSC, and;

WHEREAS, he has served on the Board of Directors of the National Youth Science Foundation, and;

WHEREAS, he has distinguished himself as a staph member, teacher, counselor, mentor, and friend in service to the National Youth Science Camp and its Alumni Association, and;

WHEREAS, he served as the president of the NYSC Alumni Association for 24 years,


RESOLVED that the National Youth Science Camp Alumni Association designates Haywood D. McCallum, Jr. as President Emeritus of the Alumni Association, effective immediately.

Adler Fund

David Hackleman reported on the Adler Fund. The fund currently has about $78,000. Funding Camp for one year takes about $200,000. The goal of the Adler is to be able to support Camp from interest earnings, so we still have a lot of work to do to get the fund monies high enough. Dave has put a lot of time and effort (and his own money) into the Fund; the alumni expressed their appreciation.

1996-97 NYSCAA President's Report

Paul Miller gave us a report about this years NYSC. We saw a slide show of the camp which 96 campers David Piell and Ben Spink and 96 stapher Kirk Myers narrated for us. Mike Dybel (IN 64) was able to visit camp this year and said he was pleasantly surprised to see what has and hasn't changed since he was a camper (no more FORTRAN IV programming!).

Action Items

The following action items came out of the meeting:

  • Newsletter
  • announce a "Wear Your NYSC Shirt" day
  • include a report on regional NYSC alumni activities
  • include email contact information (lists, officers)
  • produce a list of alumni items for sale (shirts, decals, etc.)
  • The Treasurer and the Secretary will work together to devise a method of ensuring that all alumni dues payments and donations are promptly acknowledged.
  • Adler Fund/NYSF fundraising: Dave Hackleman will obtain and do a sort of the alumni database by company and send letters to alums asking them to look into getting NYSC funding from their companies. If alums at the same company can work together, the request may be more successful. Mike Dybel said he will be investigating ways to use his corporate database for fundraising appeals.

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Updated 1 August 1997 by Karen R Sabog at kalena@kalena.com.

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