[National Youth Science Camp Logo] May 2000 Newsletter
The First Newsletter of the Millennium!*
*Yes, we know that some of you believe the Millennium starts in 2001 -- humor us!

NYSCAA Business Meeting / Mini Reunion 2000 Registration Form

Intro ] [ Accomodations ] [ Registration Form ]

August 10-13, 2000
Northeastern University
Boston, MA

All NYSC alumni and friends are invited. Please send by July 20, 2000 to:

NYSCAA Reunion 2000
c/o Judy Engibous
47 Homer Ave #31
Cambridge, MA 02138

Print out and enclose this form with your fees.

Camper State
& Year:
Staph Year(s):
Day Phone:
Evening Phone:
Web Site:

Yes, I will participate in Reunion 2000

I'll be arriving on: ______________________ (date & time, if known)

I'll be bringing the following guests:
1) ________________________________________
2) ________________________________________
3) ________________________________________
4) ________________________________________
5) ________________________________________
I've included a check for $_______ for registration fees for myself and my guests. Make your check payable to: "NYSC Alumni Association"

(Registration fees include all breakfasts, use of hospitality suite, and Saturday night dinner (may also include one or more lunches, but the accountant needs more details in order to play with the numbers)
___ Conference only (I will arrange my own accomodations) X $65.00 = $__________
___ Two nights, 1-bedroom suite (per person) X $165.00 = $__________
___ Three nights, 1-bedroom suite (per person) X $215.00 = $__________
___ Two nights, studio/efficiency suite X $165.00 = $__________
___ Three nights, studio/efficiency suite X $215.00 = $__________
___ Contribution you'd like to add to defray expenses and help students register       $__________
Total Registration Fee   $__________
I'd like to be matched up with roommates
I can't come but I've included my new address, phone, etc. (or email your bio update to NYSCAABIO@aol.com)
I can't come but I've included a $_______ contribution for the conference. Make your check payable to: "NYSC Alumni Association"

Need any info about anything? Contact:
Judy Engibous
(617) 547-3398


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Updated 11 August 2000 by kalena@kalena.com.
Copyright © 2000 NYSCAA and Karen R Sabog. All rights reserved.
