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NYSCAA Business Meeting / Reunion '99
Registration Form

Intro ] [ Accomodations ] [ Registration Form ] [ Attendees ]

August 13-15, 1999
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA

***** Please contact Steve Blasberg by July 22 if you are interested in coming.

Print out and enclose this form with your fees.

Camper State
& Year:
Staph Year(s):
Day Phone:
Evening Phone:
Web Site:

Yes, I will participate in Reunion '99

I'll be arriving on: ______________________ (date & time, if known)

I'll be bringing the following guests:
1) ________________________________________
2) ________________________________________
3) ________________________________________
4) ________________________________________
5) ________________________________________
I've included a check for $_______ for registration fees for myself and my guests, made out to "NYSC Alumni Association"

(Registration fees include Friday lunch; Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and Sunday breakfast)
___ Two nights double room (per person) X $120.00 = $__________
___ Three nights double room (per person) X $150.00 = $__________
___ Two nights single room X $145.00 = $__________
___ Three nights single room X $185.00 = $__________
___ Conference without accomodations
(you will need to make your own housing arrangements)
X $60.00 = $__________
___ Contribution you'd like to add to defray expenses and help students register       $__________
Total Registration Fee   $__________
I'd like to be matched up with roommates
No, I can't come but I've included my new address, phone, etc. (or email your bio update to NYSCAABIO@aol.com)
I can't come but I am contributing $_______ to defray expenses and help students register. Make your check out to: "NYSC Alumni Association"

Please return to:   NYSCAA Reunion '99
1615 Loch Lomond Ln
San Jose, CA 95129-3762

???? Questions ????

Need any info about anything? Contact:
Steve Blasberg
1615 Loch Lomond Ln
San Jose, CA 95129-3762
(408) 253-4251


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Updated 8 August 1999 by kalena@kalena.com.
Copyright © 1999 NYSCAA and Karen R Sabog. All rights reserved.
